Sunday, March 7, 2021

Permalink to the latest: 2244: sha-1: 63e0ef91bb5d4fd2845c1effe9b6185d7376121e, sha-256: 91525d94e80f2cff29d5a43ebbf68a3e4e478810109b2947a79ea26a735a04b6. Download war jenkins. Download; jenkins war packages this is the war package repository of jenkins for installation (2015-05) and newer: java 7; with that set up, the jenkins package can be run with: java -jar jenkinswar see the installation guide for more information, including how jenkins is run and where the configuration is stored, etc name last.

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Plan of Camp Lawton, or the rebel prison near Millen ...

Plan of camp lawton, or the rebel prison near millen

If you are an advanced user you can also download the jenkins war file and deploy it; we will continue with windows installer way – 1 st one once you click the ‘download’ button you will get the below screen and the download process has begun after the download has been completed it navigate to the download location and run the application. Download hasn't started? click this link changing boot configuration by default, your jenkins runs at https://localhost:8080/. this can be changed by editing jenkins.xml, which is located in your installation directory.this file is also the place to change other boot configuration parameters, such as jvm options, https setup, etc..

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